The project name:The E190/A320/B737 series aircraft machine head repair dock
Demand for the unit: Hna aviation technology co. LTD.
Project technical requirements:
The technical requirements for sea technology tools planning center according to the actual production demand situation in tianjin, including but not limited to the following technical standard, manufacture and design standards should be consistent with the People's Republic of China civil aviation industry standard MH/T3012.17-2010.
The basic requirements:
1. Applicable models: E190, A320 and B737, designed as monolithic single-layer machine
head to meet the various top lift configurations of the three types of models.
2. Traction mode: tractor traction.
3. Lifting mode: electric lifting.
4. The main work platform with mobile arc windshield repair platform, configuration chute, windshield platform can be moved forward to the front of each aircraft windshield radar cover and the upper aircraft windshield must be convenient construction area, arc need to match the aircraft nose radian, with around each step ladder convenient workers up and down < br / >
5. The design mode of the machine head dock platform should be convenient to open the door of the cabin.
6. The machine head dock should be equipped with the implementation device to facilitate the work of the tractor, and the moving speed and direction need to be controlled.
Electrical requirements:Control system, lifting system, lighting system and windpipe system.
Safety requirements:
1. Sound and light warning system, two-stage limit device and emergency stop device;
2. Anti-collision device, platform protective device and platform stabilization device;